Thali Contemporary Indian

Karrinyup Shopping Centre Neon Construction enjoyed the challenge of working in the recently revamped Karrinyup Shopping Centre. This unique space with Bollywood influence was designed by Tyack & Co. Despite the tight deadlines, trade shortages and logistical issues, we were able to successfully manage the project through to completion with our continued high level of […]
Harry’s by the slice

Manning Building, Fremantle Neon Construction were approached by the restaurateur to convert an empty shell in the beautifully restored Manning Building into a restaurant with full commercial kitchen. With offices above, a key component of this project was the design and construction of a acoustic rated ceiling. Regular stakeholder meetings throughout the project enabled us […]
La Veen Coffee

Raine Square Perth CBDWorking with an existing client we were more than happy to help tackle a modern and functional build in Perth’s CBD. We wanted to make somewhere where people could escape and relax with lot’s to look and feel. We created custom curved banquet seating with feature screening. A fun look at the […]